Thursday, April 9, 2020

Change Forms Mode from Servlet to Socket in R12

Change Forms Mode from Servlet to Socket in R12

Run the following command to enable Forms Socket Mode on Forms/web nodes (Place correct context file name and Forms port value)
 -bash-3.2$ $FND_TOP/bin/ -script=ChangeFormsMode -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -mode=socket -port=9000 -runautoconfig=No
*** Log File = /u02/oraapps/inst/apps/TEST1_<hostname>/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkChangeFormsMode_Wed_May_29_11_30_41_2013.log
Program : /u02/oraapps/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ started @ Wed May 29 11:30:41 2013
*** Log File = /u02/oraapps/inst/apps/TEST1_<hostname>/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/txkChangeFormsMode_Wed_May_29_11_30_41_2013.log
Arguments passed: -contextfile=/u02/oraapps/inst/apps/TEST1_<hostname>/appl/admin/TEST1_<hostname>.xml -mode=socket -port=9000 -runautoconfig=No-----------
Values used
Context File   : /u02/oraapps/inst/apps/TEST1_<hostname>/appl/admin/TEST1_<hostname>.xml
Mode           : socket
Port           : 9000
Run AutoConfig : No
Execute SYSTEM command : netstat -a
Backing up context file....
Context file backed up at: /u02/oraapps/inst/apps/TEST1_<hostname>/logs/appl/rgf/TXK/Wed_May_29_11_30_41_2013/TEST1_<hostname>.xml
Changing to Socket Mode.......
Updating context Variable s_forms_servlet_serverurl....
Updated context Variable s_forms_servlet_serverurl to
Updating context Variable s_frmConnectMode....
Updated context Variable s_frmConnectMode to socket
Updating context Variable s_formsstatus....
Updated context Variable s_formsstatus to disabled
Updating context Variable s_formsserver_status....
Updated context Variable s_formsserver_status to enabled
Updating context Variable s_other_service_group_status....
Updated context Variable s_other_service_group_status to enabled
Updating context Variable s_formsport....
Updated context Variable s_formsport to 9000
Updating context Variable s_formslauncher_path....
Updated context Variable s_formslauncher_path to OA_HTML/frmservlet
You should run Autoconfig to update the runtime configurations to new Forms Mode.
Log file to change the Forms Mode:
Program: /u02/oraapps/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ completed @ Wed May 29 11:31:14 2013
End of /u02/oraapps/apps/apps_st/appl/fnd/12.0.0/patch/115/bin/ : No Errors encountered

   Once we changed to socket mode we have to run the autoconfig
Otherwise we get the below error
-bash-3.2$ sh status
You are running  version 120.15.12010000.2
Forms Connect Mode is set to Servlet. Please Change Forms Mode to socket and then run this script. exiting with status 1
.end std out.
couldn't set locale correctly
.end err out.
**************************************************** Exiting with status 1
Once autoconfig Completed we see the status like below
-bash-3.2$ sh status
couldn't set locale correctly
You are running  version 120.15.12010000.2
Checking status of FORMS Server (Socket Mode)...
Forms Server (Socket) is running as PID 27321 exiting with status 0
-bash-3.2$ sh status
couldn't set locale correctly
You are running  version 120.16
Not starting the Forms OC4J instance as Forms connect mode is set to socket. exiting with status 1
  1. How to check application is running servlet or socket mode
For Socket mode          :< URL> //<Port>/OA_HTML/frmservlet
For Servlet mode         : <URL>//<Port>/forms/frmservlet
  For Socket mode we can observe the URL like below in context file
<formslauncher_path oa_var="s_formslauncher_path">OA_HTML/frmservlet</formslauncher_path>
    For Servlet mode we can observe the URL like below in context file 
<formslauncher_path oa_var="s_formslauncher_path">forms/frmservlet</formslauncher_path>
 -bash-3.2$ grep Mode $CONTEXT_FILE
<forms_connect oa_var="s_frmConnectMode">socket</forms_connect> (In socket mode)
 <forms_connect oa_var="s_frmConnectMode">servlet</forms_connect> (in servlet mode)

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[ERROR]: The value of s_patch_service_name is not set correctly in atleast one of the context files.

[ERROR]: The value of s_patch_service_name is not set correctly in atleast one of the context files. I got the issue below wh...