Wednesday, September 26, 2018



Posted: January 23, 2013 in Uncategorized


Oracle Apps DBA point of view which is Workflow Notification Mailer .

Currently with OWF.H (Oracle Work Flow Minipack H) or 11.5.10 Oracle Applications Uses Java Mailer & before that it used to be C Mailer. 

Some of you who are on 11.5.8 or lower version might still be using wfmail.cfg under FND_TOP .

Configuration is quite simple via OAM (Oracle Application Manager) provided you or your unix team setup inbound & outbound mails set up correctly.

Notification Mailer will inturn use Operating System command/mail for inbound(for receiving mail) & outbound(for sending mails).
In 11.5.10 Java Notification Mailer is available out of the box , you simply need to configure via Oracle Application Manager .


Workflow Notification Mailer Setup in Oracle Apps R12/12i



Workflow notification mailer setup in R12 is similar to 11i ( In both release 11i (OWF.H and higher in 11i) & R12 are Java Mailer)

* Previous version of Notification Mailer in 11i was based on C also called as C Mailer

Things to note
1. You use Oracle Application Manager (OAM) to configure Workflow Notification Mailer.
2. There are two kind of Notification (Outbound & Inbound) in Workflow Mailer
3. For Outbound Notification, CM (Concurrent Manager) node should be able to connect to SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) server/relay.
4. For Inbound Notification (Optional), CM node should be able to connect to IMAP (Internet Message Access Protocol) Server.
5. Log file for Workflow Mailer Notification are at $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDC*.txt
6. Workflow Notification Mailer in background run as Concurrent Manager (Workflow Mailer ServiceWorkflow Agent Listener Service)
7. If you don’t wish to send mail notification to end user (from Dev/Test instance) then configure Test Address in configuration screen.

Step to configure Workflow Notification Mailer

1. Login to Apps R12 with System Administrator Reponsibility
2. under Workflow : Oracle Applications Manager click on Workflow Manager


If this is first time you are configuring Workflow Notification Mailer in Oracle Apps R12/12i you will see Notification Mailers as unavailable


Click on Notification Mailers


In next screen (as shown below, click on Edit Button)


Here you have option to select Inbound notification setup or Just outgoing Notification Setup.


Provide SMTP Server Name (ensure that CM node should be able to connect to SMTP Server or SMTP Relay)


Uncheck Inbound Processing (from above screen), if you don’t wish to configure Inbound Notification Mailer.


If you wish to configure Inbound Notification as well then ensure IMAP Server should be configured with a valid user (createInboxProcessed Discard folder for this User)

Click on Apply button to finish configuration, at this stage Notification Mailer will test SMTP Server & IMAP Server connectivity.

For Advanced setup, click on Advanced at top right of configuration screen.
Metalink Notes for Notification Mailer
1. 453137.1 Oracle Workflow Best Practices Release 12 and Release 11i
2. 274764.1 Oracle Workflow Cartridge Workflow Java Mailer Setup Test
3. 433359.1 Tracking Workflow Notification Event Messages
4. 456921.1 Queries Related to Alert and Mailer Integration Post RUP4
5. 454706.1 How to Stop mails from Workflow Notification Mailer


Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer Outbound Processing



Here are steps/events for Oracle Workflow Notification Outbound Processing(eMail from Oracle Applications Workflow to Users)

1.When workflow Engine determines that a notification message must be sent, it raises an event in BES (Business Event System)
Event is raised with Notification ID (NID) as event key

2. There is seeded subscription to this Event

3. Event is placed on WF_DEFERRED agent

4.Event is dequeued from WF_DEFERRED and subscription is processed

5. Subscription places event message to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent.

6.Notification Mailer dequeues message from WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent and
6.1convert XML representation of notification into MIME encoded message (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) and
6.2 Send message by SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to intended user (If Test Address/Override Address is set then email is sent to Test Address


E-Mail Notification is sent if all below conditions are true

a) Notification status is OPEN or CANCELED   and
b) Notification mail_status is MAIL or INVALID  and
c) Recipient Role has a valid e-mail address and Notification Preference is in the format MAIL%
d) Workflow Deferred Agent Listener is running
e) Workflow Notification Mailer is running


To check a) & b) run below query


SELECT status, mail_status  FROM wf_notifications WHERE notification_id = ‘&NID’;

mail_status >> SENT means mail has gone out of mailer to user


To check c) run below query
SELECT email_address, nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(name, ‘MAILTYPE’),notification_preference)
FROM wf_roles
WHERE name = upper(‘&recipient_role’);

To check d) & e) Use OAM (Oracle Application Manager)





How to Update Workflow Administrator Role in Oracle Applications 11i/R12


If you want to see workflow details (owned by other users) or status diagram in Oracle Applications 11i/R12 then you should belong to one of responsibilities/user listed under WF_ADMIN_ROLE.

By default (in 11i & R12) this role is set to user sysadmin (In old versions 11.5.8 or prior, it used to set to *)


If you wish to change WF_ADMIN_ROLE, as per most of metalink notes either


1. Change it via Workflow Administrator Web Applications responsibility (Login as sysadmin >> Workflow Administrator Web Applications >> Administration)

or update table


2. SQL> update wf_resources set text=’&Enter_Admin_Name’ where name=’WF_ADMIN_ROLE’;

to set it to everyone, use
SQL> update wf_resources set text=’*’ where name=’WF_ADMIN_ROLE’;


Problem with above solution
– Execution of Autoconfig will override above settings. Autoconfig will pick value against parameter s_wf_admin_role(default value SYSADMIN) from context file $CONTEXT_FILE

Correct way to set Workflow Administrator Role


1. First identify Workflow Role Name associated with User or Responsibility.


A. For setting Admin Role to specific user

SQL> select name from apps.wf_roles where DISPLAY_NAME like '&USER_NAME' and ORIG_SYSTEM='FND_USR';


B. For setting it to a responsibility (so that all users with that responsibility can view other user’s Workflow)

SQL> select name from apps.wf_roles where DISPLAY_NAME like '&Responsibility_Name' and ORIG_SYSTEM='FND_RESP';

SQL> select name from apps.wf_roles where DISPLAY_NAME like ‘System Administrator‘;  (output for System Administrator responsibility should look like)FND_RESP|SYSADMIN|SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR|STANDARD

SQL> select name from apps.wf_roles where DISPLAY_NAME like ‘Application Developer‘; (output for Application Developer responsibility should look like)



2. Update context file ($CONTEXT_FILE) variable s_wf_admin_role (If you don’t see this parameter in context file then apply latest Autoconfig Patch) to value from above query

For Sysadmin User - Set it to SYSADMIN

For System Administrator Responsibility - Set it to


For Application Developer Responsibility - Set it toFND_RESP|FND|APPLICATION_DEVELOPER|STANDARD 

3. Run Autoconfig -


$OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/$CONTEXT_NAME/ (11i)



Reference documents for Workflow mailer setup



268085.1 Configuring the Oracle Workflow 2.6/11i.OWF.H Java-based Notification Mailer with Oracle Applications 11i

164871.1 Configuring the Workflow Notification Mailer in Oracle Applications Manager 11i

172174.1 WF 2.6: Oracle Workflow Notification Mailer Architecture in Release 11i

453137.1 Oracle Workflow Best Practices Release 12 and Release 11i

274764.1 Oracle Workflow Cartridge Workflow Java Mailer Setup Test

433359.1 Tracking Workflow Notification Event Messages

456921.1 Queries Related to Alert and Mailer Integration Post RUP4

454706.1 How to Stop mails from Workflow Notification Mailer


Posted: June 26, 2012 in Workflow-mailer


How to Perform a Meaningful SMTP Telnet Test to Troubleshoot Java Mailer For Sending Email Notifications [ID 753845.1]

This document details the steps to perform a meaningful telnet test to investigate java mailer issues related to sending workflow email notifications to the SMTP server.As it is explained in the Oracle Workflow Administrator’s Guide, it is mandatory to have an SMTP server set up in order to send the workflow notification e-mail messages. This means that the notification mailer does not send the notification e-mails itself but completely relies on the SMTP server to achieve this task.


For this reason, it is important to be able to send an email using telnet on the SMTP server in the conditions that are used by the mailer.

Note: this test is useful in the following situations (the below list is not exhaustive):

– You are setting the workflow notification mailer up and you want to validate the outbound processing parameters.
– You suspect a connectivity issue between the java mailer node and the SMTP server node.
– You suspect that SMTP server does not process emails.
– You notice that given notifications in WF_NOTIFICATIONS have MAIL_STATUS = FAILED, and that the notification preference of the notification recipient has been switched to DISABLED (this can be seen in $FND_TOP/sql/wfmlrdbg.sql output againt the given notification id).
– You want to validate a given email address.

More particularly this test will provide relevant output when the following strings are seen in mailer log:

- javax.mail.SendFailedException: 550 5.7.1 Unable to relay
- javax.mail.MessagingException
- Invalid Address
- Relay access denied
- Unable to relay- Relaying denied
- Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server
- Validation failed for the following parameters -> {OUTBOUND_SERVER=Unable to make a network connection.}
- EXCEPTION:[SVC-GSM-WFMLRSVC-12848-10006 :]:Not sending notification {3939936}because the notification mail status is null OR not 'MAIL'
- Updating notification {3939936} status {FAILED} {WFMLRSND_FAILED_UNDELIVERABLE} {{SYSADMIN}}



It is very important to perform all the steps mentioned below; they will allow to perform the telnet SMTP test from the right node and to pass the correct values during the test.

1) Identify the concurrent tiers node where mailer runs 
by running script below:

select target_node from fnd_concurrent_queues where concurrent_queue_name like 'WFMLRSVC%'; 

It will return for example:


In this example ebiz1 is the node where java mailer runs.

2) Gather other parameters values necessary for the SMTP telnet test:
To perform the SMTP telnet test, in addition to mailer node, you will also need to know on which node is the SMTP server (this is mailer “outbound server” parameter), and what is the reply to address that is set up for the java mailer (this is mailer “reply to” parameter).

To get these values run the following:

SELECT b.component_name,
FROM fnd_svc_comp_param_vals a,
fnd_svc_components b,
fnd_svc_comp_params_b c
WHERE b.component_id = a.component_id
AND b.component_type = c.component_type
AND c.parameter_id = a.parameter_id
AND c.encrypted_flag = 'N'
AND b.component_name like '%Mailer%'
AND c.parameter_name in ('OUTBOUND_SERVER', 'REPLYTO')
ORDER BY c.parameter_name; 

It will return for example:

------------------------------- ------------------------------ -----------------------
Workflow Notification Mailer    OUTBOUND_SERVER                mitini1
Workflow Notification Mailer    REPLYTO                 

In this example the outbound server is on mitini1 node and the reply to address is set to

3) Perform the SMTP telnet test as follows: 
3.1) Log on to the node where mailer runs (to identify it, please refer to step 1) 
This is mandatory. SMTP telnet test is only meaningful when it is performed from the concurrent tier where mailer runs.
In our example you should log to ebiz1 node.

3.2) From mailer node, issue the following commands one by one: 

telnet [outbound server] 25
EHLO [mailer node]
MAIL FROM: [reply_to address]
RCPT TO: [my_test_email_address]
Subject: Test message
Test message body


Notes:a) Very important, the commands needs to be entered one by one
b) Replace [outbound server] by the value retrieved for OUTBOUND_SERVER in step 2.
c) Replace [mailer node] by the value retrieved in step 1.
d) Replace [reply_to address] by the value retrieved for REPLYTO in step 2.
e) Replace [my_test_email_address] by the email address that you need to test.
f) By default SMTP server runs on port 25. If another port is used you’ll have to modify the port accordingly in the syntax below.
g) Enter a blank line after the email subject and after the text ‘Test message body’.
h) The end of the message is signaled by a “.” on a line by itself.
i) To exit the telnet session, type ‘quit’ and then hit ‘enter’.


So the commands to enter in the context of our example are:

telnet mitini1 25
EHLO ebiz1
Subject: Test message
Test message body


(let’s assume is the given address you want to test)

3.3) Then verify the following:

a) Has an error message been thrown during the test? 
To compare the output you get with the normal output received during telnet SMTP test, please refer to section 8a (Verify SMTP Server ) in 
note 242941.1 How To Troubleshoot Java-based Workflow Notification Mailer In 11.5.9 and OWF.G.

b) Check the INBOX of the email address used for the test (my_test_email_address) 
Is there an email here with Subject: Test message and with sender corresponding to reply_to_address email address?
In our example, you should check  INBOX and research a message with subject “Test message” and that is from sender
4) Test interpretation

If an error message has been thrown during the test, or if the test email has not been received, this means the SMTP telnet test is not successful. Because the java mailer uses the SMTP server to send notification emails, it is a prerequisite for a correct behavior of the java mailer that this test is successful.
If the test is not successful, depending on the message received, the problem has to be addressed by the SMTP Server administrator or the Network administrator.  Commonly, relaying needs to be enabled.
5) Finishing tasks
a) Confirm that the SMTP server defined within the Workflow Notification mailer setup reflects the correct address.
b) Once the mail server tests are complete and successful, to re-send any failed notifications, please run the Resend Failed Notifications concurrent request.

Workflow Information Center, Diagnostics, & Community

  • Please reference the Workflow Product Information Center Document for Top Workflow Resources: Document 1320509.1

  • For additional help, please refer to one of the following documents on diagnostics to address current needs. Providing diagnostic output on an issue for support when logging a service request is very helpful.Document 179661.1 for 11i or Document 421245.1 for Rel 12.x


Posted: June 26, 2012 in Workflow-mailer


Troubleshooting Workflow Notification Mailer Issues

Troubleshooting Workflow Notification Mailer Issues
Troubleshooting Workflow Notification Mailer Issues
Find Workflow Notification Mailer is up and Running?

SELECT component_name, component_status
FROM fnd_svc_components
WHERE component_type = ‘WF_MAILER’;

Workflow log’s: FNDCPGSC*.txt under $APPLCSF/$APPLOG directory

Find the Failed One’s?


Check pending e-mail notification that was pending for process.

Sql> SELECT COUNT(*), message_name FROM wf_notifications
AND mail_status = ‘MAIL’
GROUP BY message_name;

Sql> SELECT * FROM wf_notifications
AND mail_status = ‘SENT’
ORDER BY begin_date DESC

Check the Workflow notification has been sent or not?

select mail_status, status from wf_notifications where notification_id=

–If mail_status is MAIL, it means the email delivery is pending for workflow mailer to send the notification
–If mail_status is SENT, its means mailer has sent email
–If mail_status is Null & status is OPEN, its means that no need to send email as notification preference of user is “Don’t send email”
–Notification preference of user can be set by user by logging in application + click on preference + the notification preference

1. Verify whether the message is processed in WF_DEFERRED queue

select * from$wf_deferred a where a.user_data.getEventKey()= ”
– notification id

2. If the message is processed successfully message will be enqueued to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue, if it errored out it will be enqueued to WF_ERROR queue

select wf.user_data.event_name Event_Name, wf.user_data.event_key Event_Key,
wf.user_data.error_stack Error_Stack, wf.user_data.error_message Error_Msg
from wf_error wf where wf.user_data.event_key = ‘
To check what all mails have went and which all failed ?

Select from_user,to_user,notification_id, status, mail_status, begin_date
from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where status = ‘OPEN’;

Select from_user, to_user, notification_id, status, mail_status,begin_date,USER_KEY,ITEM_KEY,MESSAGE_TYPE,MESSAGE_NAME begin_date
from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where status = ‘OPEN’;

Users complain that notifications are stuck ?

Use the following query to check to see whatever the users are saying is correct

SQL> select message_type, count(1) from wf_notifications
where status=’OPEN’ and mail_status=’MAIL’ group by message_type;

E.g o/p of query –

——– ———-
POAPPRV 11 — 11 mails of Po Approval not sent —
WFERROR 45 — 45 mails have error

If Mail not received by User ?

from wf_users where DISPLAY_NAME=’xxx,yyy’ ;

Status – Active
Notification_preference-> Mailtext
Email Address should not be null

Notification not sent waiting to be mailed ?

SQL> select notification_id, status, mail_status, begin_date from WF_NOTIFICATIONS
where status = ‘OPEN’ and mail_status = ‘MAIL’;
To debug the notification id ?

run wfmlrdbg.sql

Note: 1054215.1 – How to Check if the Workflow Mailer is Running
Note: 415516.1 – How to Check Whether Notification Mailer is Working or Not

Note: 831982.1 – 11i/R12 – A guide for troubleshoting Workflow Notification Emails – Inbound and Outbound
Note: 1012344.7 – Notifications Not Being Sent In Workflow
Note: 560472.1 – Workflow Mailers Not Sending Notifications

Please see (Note: 753845.1 – How to Perform a Meaningful SMTP Telnet Test to Troubleshoot Java Mailer Issues), the same error is reported in this doc.


Posted: June 26, 2012 in APPS scriptsWorkflow-mailer


Oracle workflow notification mailer status – sql

Oracle workflow notification mailer sql’s

1. Workflow: version

2. check workflow status.

3. check if workflow is used by only one instance

4. check if processor_read_timeout_close is set to ‘Y’

5. check for bad e-mail address

6. How to know mail sent to a user with details:

7. How to know whether it is set to correct url from porfile options:

8. How to know reqid, process id, sid..

9. workflow patches

10. Workflow: To see failed, open notifications

11. To check if email address, notification preference, display_name

12. How to know workflow responsibility from backend:

13. Steps to drop and recreate WF_CONTROL queue:

1. Workflow: version


 2. check workflow status.


 set linesize 120

 set pagesize 50

 column COMPONENT_NAME format a45

 column STARTUP_MODE format a15

 column COMPONENT_STATUS format a15

 select fsc.COMPONENT_NAME,fsc.STARTUP_MODE,fsc.COMPONENT_STATUS,fcq.last_update_date

 from APPS.FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES_VL fcq, fnd_svc_components fsc

 where fsc.concurrent_queue_id = fcq.concurrent_queue_id(+)




 3. check if workflow is used by only one instance


 col value format a20

 select p.parameter_id,


 v.parameter_value value

 from apps.fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v,

 apps.fnd_svc_comp_params_b p,

 apps.fnd_svc_components c

 where c.component_type = 'WF_MAILER'

 and v.component_id = c.component_id

 and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id

 and p.parameter_name in ( 'INBOUND_SERVER','ACCOUNT', 'REPLYTO')

 order by p.parameter_name;


 4. check if processor_read_timeout_close is set to 'Y'


 set pagesize 100

 set linesize 132

 set feedback off

 set verify off

col value format a35

 col component_name format a30

select c.component_id, c.component_name, p.parameter_id, p.parameter_name, v.parameter_value value

 from apps.fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v, apps.fnd_svc_comp_params_b p, apps.fnd_svc_components c

 where c.component_type = 'WF_MAILER'

 and v.component_id = c.component_id

 and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id

 and p.parameter_name = 'PROCESSOR_READ_TIMEOUT_CLOSE'

 order by c.component_name,p.parameter_name;

5. check for bad e-mail address
If below SQL statement is returning rows you need to correct the email addresses for associated users:

set linesize 170

 col name format a40

 col email_address format a80

 select name, email_address from apps.wf_local_roles where email_address like '% %';

select name, email_address from apps.wf_local_roles where email_address like '%%';


 6. How to know mail sent to a user with details:


 select name, display_name, notification_preference, email_address from wf_local_roles where name = '';


 7. How to know whether it is set to correct url from porfile options:


 set linesize 155;

 set pagesize 200;

 set verify off;

 col Profile format a50;

 col Value format a50;


 nvl(v.PROFILE_OPTION_VALUE,'Replace with non-virtual URL') Value

 from apps.fnd_profile_options t, apps.fnd_profile_option_values v,apps.fnd_profile_options_tl z





 8. How to know reqid, process id, sid..


 select request_id,phase_code,status_code,hold_flag from fnd_concurrent_requests where REQUEST_ID=20422815;

select ORACLE_PROCESS_ID,ORACLE_SESSION_ID,OS_PROCESS_ID from fnd_concurrent_requests where REQUEST_ID=20422815;

select a.session_id,








 from v$locked_object a, dba_objects b

 where b.object_id = a.object_id

 and a.session_id='3383';

select name, display_name, notification_preference, email_address from wf_local_roles where name = 'SYSADMIN';

9. workflow patches
will provide us information as to your base line code level.
Many issues are only relevant to a certain code level so this information is essential:

set linesize 155;

 set pagesize 200;

 set verify off;

 select b.bug_number bug, b.LAST_UPDATED_BY ldate, decode( bug_number, 2728236 , 'OWF.G INCLUDED IN 11.5.9',

 3031977, 'POST OWF.G ROLLUP 1 -',

 3061871, 'POST OWF.G ROLLUP 2 -',

 3124460, 'POST OWF.G ROLLUP 3 -',

 3316333, 'POST OWF.G ROLLUP 4 -',

 3314376, 'POST OWF.G ROLLUP 5 -',

 3409889, 'POST OWF.G ROLLUP 5 Consolidated Fixes For OWF.G RUP5', 3492743, 'POST OWF.G ROLLUP 6 -',

 3868138, 'POST OWF.G ROLLUP 7 -',

 3262919, 'FMWK.H',

 3262159, 'FND.H INCLUDE OWF.H',

 3258819, 'OWF.H INCLUDED IN 11.5.10',

 3438354, '11i.ATG_PF.H INCLUDE OWF.H',





 4017300, 'ATG_PF:11.5.10 Consolidated Update (CU1) for ATG Product Family',

 4125550, 'ATG_PF:11.5.10 Consolidated Update (CU2) for ATG Product Family',




 4676589, '11i.ATG_PF.H RUP4',

 5473858, '11i.ATG_PF.H RUP5',

 5903765, '11i.ATG_PF.H RUP6',

 4334965, '11i.ATG_PF.H RUP3') patch

 from apps.AD_BUGS b

 where b. BUG_NUMBER in ('2728236','3031977','3061871','3124460','3316333','3314376','3409889','3492743','3262159','3262919','3868138','3258819','3438354','3240000','3460000','3140000','3480000','4017300','4125550','4719658','5121512','6008417','4676589','5473858','5903765','4334965')

 order by patch;


 10. Workflow: To see failed, open notifications


 SELECT message_type, COUNT(1)

 FROM apps.wf_notifications

 WHERE 1 = 1 AND mail_status = 'FAILED' AND status = 'OPEN'

 GROUP BY message_type;

11. To check if email address, notification preference, display_name



select distinct(count(*)) from wf_users where NOTIFICATION_PREFERENCE='MAILTEXT' and STATUS = 'ACTIVE' and EMAIL_ADDRESS = '';

12. How to know workflow responsibility from backend:

select wes.status, wes.phase, wes.rule_function, wes.on_error_code from wf_events we, wf_event_subscriptions wes

 where'' and we.guid=wes.event_filter_guid;

13. Steps to drop and recreate WF_CONTROL queue:

a. Shut down the concurrent managers.

b. Connect to sqlplus session as APPS user:
Execute: (For Workflow Embedded within Apps)


SQL> commit;

Execute: (For Standalone Workflow)
sqlplus / @wfctlqec.sql

c. Execute wfjmsqc2.sql for creating all Advanced Queues with JMS Text structures.

sqlplus / @wfjmsqc2.sql

Both of the script are under $FND_TOP/patch/115/sql or $FND_TOP/sql directories.

d.Run afwfqgnt.sql to recreate grants/synonyms for Workflow Advanced Queue tables

sqlplus apps/apps @$FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/afwfqgnt.sql APPSAPPLSYS
Additional Information: For Rebuilding all other WF Queue refer Note 754468.1 Title: How to Rebuild Workflow Queues ,based on your application version.


Posted: June 24, 2012 in Workflow-mailer


Mostly, this option will come handy after a clone, wherein you want to retain all the production / source instance data and continue to run workflow mailer but without sending emails to the real end users.

To achieve this you can set an Override address to route all the notifications to a single email address.


1. Login as sysadmin
2. Select System Administration Responsibility
3. Click Workflow under Oracle Applications Manager
4. Click on the tick mark or page icon next to Notification Mailers
5. Click on Workflow Notification Mailer under Name column
6. Click “Set Override Address” button next to Test Mailer button
7. Key in the new email address and click submit.

After submitting, Java mailer will send a verification email to the mentioned email address with a verification code and link to activate the override entry.

Either you can request the email id owner to send you the email with the verification code so that you can key-in the code or if the email address owner has access to Oracle Apps, he/she can click the link and enter the verification code.


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[ERROR]: The value of s_patch_service_name is not set correctly in atleast one of the context files.

[ERROR]: The value of s_patch_service_name is not set correctly in atleast one of the context files. I got the issue below wh...