Workflow Notification Mailer
Steps to start/stop notification mailer
Check workflow mailer service current status
sqlplus apps/<apps password>
select running_processes
from apps.fnd_concurrent_queues
where concurrent_queue_name = 'WFMLRSVC';
Number of running processes should be greater than 0
Find current mailer status
sqlplus apps/<apps password>
select component_status
from apps.fnd_svc_components
where component_id =
(select component_id
from apps.fnd_svc_components
where component_name = 'Workflow
Notification Mailer');
Possible values:
Stop notification mailer
sqlplus apps/<apps password>
p_retcode number;
p_errbuf varchar2(100);
m_mailerid fnd_svc_components.component_id%TYPE;
-- Find mailer Id
select component_id
into m_mailerid
from fnd_svc_components
where component_name = 'Workflow Notification Mailer';
-- Stop Mailer
fnd_svc_component.stop_component(m_mailerid, p_retcode, p_errbuf);
3. Start
notification mailer
sqlplus apps/<apps password>
p_retcode number;
p_errbuf varchar2(100);
m_mailerid fnd_svc_components.component_id%TYPE;
-- Find mailer Id
select component_id
into m_mailerid
from fnd_svc_components
where component_name = 'Workflow Notification Mailer';
-- Start Mailer
fnd_svc_component.start_component(m_mailerid, p_retcode, p_errbuf);
A workflow notification send event
(notification email) can fail at several different points, so monitoring it
using one method usually is not going to give you a complete
picture.Additionally, you have to keep in mind that the process is dynamic,
meaning that as transactions are created into the queues they are also mailed
out; so a
count of data is at best only a
snapshot of a particular moment in time.
1. Here is a more robust
script for monitoring the wf_notifications table:
select message_type, mail_status,
count(*) from wf_notifications
where status = 'OPEN'
messages in 'FAILED' status can be
resent using the concurrent request 'resend failed workflow notificaitons'
messages which are OPEN but where
mail_status is null have a missing email address for the recipient, but the
notification preference is 'send me mail'
2. Some messages like alerts
don't get a record in wf_notifications table so you have to watch the
select corr_id, retry_count, msg_state,
group by corr_id, msg_state,
order by count(*) desc;
Messages with a high retry count have
been cycling through the queue and are not passed to smtp service.Messages
which are 'expired' can be rebuilt using the wfntfqup.sql
provide the below query output in excel sheet.
select * from fnd_nodes;
select * from fnd_nodes;
provide the screen shot of below profile option value.
WF: Workflow
Mailer Framework Web Agent
1. The uploaded
file “ATGSuppJavaMailerSetup12_9392180_diag.txt” shows that the correct
parameter was not used when attempting to run. For instance
“‘'” was used for “Inbound mail server (INBOUND_SERVER)”
and on the other hand the file “wfmlrdbg23569786.html” shows the INBOUND_SERVER
is “”. For that reason the test failed and “Server
{} at port {143} is not reachable” was
Please do the
following this.
a. Please un
the following SQL to collect necessary info before executing
“”. The SQL will collect all the info required to
run the script except IMAP account password.
v.parameter_value value
from fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v,
fnd_svc_comp_params_b p,
fnd_svc_components c
where c.component_type = ‘WF_MAILER’
and v.component_id = c.component_id
and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id
and p.parameter_name in (‘OUTBOUND_SERVER’, ‘INBOUND_SERVER’,
v.parameter_value value
from fnd_svc_comp_param_vals_v v,
fnd_svc_comp_params_b p,
fnd_svc_components c
where c.component_type = ‘WF_MAILER’
and v.component_id = c.component_id
and v.parameter_id = p.parameter_id
and p.parameter_name in (‘OUTBOUND_SERVER’, ‘INBOUND_SERVER’,
b. Then run
“” per the steps from 748421.1.
3. Please
upload the new output to help us collect the data to help us troubleshoot the
4. Please also
upload the Autoconfig log files
a. Database
Tier Autoconfig log :
b. Application
Tier Autoconfig log –
5. Restart the
Workflow Mailer and Agent Listener services
a. From Self
Service > Select “Workflow Manager” under “Oracle Applications Manager” >
Click “Notification Mailers” > Service Components (Service Components:
<SID>) >
b. Click “Workflow Mailer Service” under “Container” Column.
e. From “Service Instances for Generic Service Component Container:<SID>”page, click “Pull Down” button from the Start All/ Stop All.
f . Select Stop All > Go.
g. We conformed that for the Services to read Actual 0 Target 0 and Deactivated.
h. Restart the mailer services using the “Start All” button.
I. We run the following SQL to make sure service are stopped.
b. Click “Workflow Mailer Service” under “Container” Column.
e. From “Service Instances for Generic Service Component Container:<SID>”page, click “Pull Down” button from the Start All/ Stop All.
f . Select Stop All > Go.
g. We conformed that for the Services to read Actual 0 Target 0 and Deactivated.
h. Restart the mailer services using the “Start All” button.
I. We run the following SQL to make sure service are stopped.
component_name, component_status, component_status_info
FROM fnd_svc_components_v
WHERE component_name like ‘Workflow%’;
FROM fnd_svc_components_v
WHERE component_name like ‘Workflow%’;
6.However all
the services are sill down (Stopped).
logging is already enabled.
7.About to
upload the log files from $APPLCSF/$APPLLOG/FNDCPGSC*.txt i.e. the log file for
the Active process for Workflow Mailer Service and Agent Listener services.
To retrieve the
last 2 log files for Workflow Mailer and Agent Listener services, run the
following command:
ls -lt
8. The issue
started yesterday after running Autoconfig to correct Discoverer issue per
Oracle Support.
I might request Autoconfig logs after reviewing the mailer log..
I might request Autoconfig logs after reviewing the mailer log..
1. Please run
the script $FND_TOP/sql/afsvcpup.sql, and edit Notification Mailer , and change
the parameter Framework URL Timeout from 30 to 120.
2. Use the same
script to change mailer’s parameter Log Level to 1.
3. Set the
profile option WF: Workflow Mailer Framework Web Agent to a physical web tier,
using the syntax http://WEBHOST:port
4. Bounce the
5. Please
follow the navigation below:
a. Workflow Administrator web Applications Responsibility
b. Workflow Manager
c. Click on the Notification Mailers icon
d. Click on Workflow Notification Mailers link
e. Click on Test Mailer button
Enter the user name of the user with the problem, and verify if a test mail is received.
a. Workflow Administrator web Applications Responsibility
b. Workflow Manager
c. Click on the Notification Mailers icon
d. Click on Workflow Notification Mailers link
e. Click on Test Mailer button
Enter the user name of the user with the problem, and verify if a test mail is received.
Then, please
provide the output of the script wfmlrdbg.sql using the steps from note
1364300.1 for the id’s returned from the following two queries:
from wf_notifications
where message_type=’WFTESTS’
and message_name =’OAFWK_MSG’
from wf_notifications
where message_type=’WFTESTS’
and message_name =’OAFWK_MSG’
. Then, provide
the mailer log returned by the following query:
FROM fnd_concurrent_queues fcq, fnd_concurrent_processes fcp, fnd_lookups flkup
WHERE concurrent_queue_name in (‘WFMLRSVC’)
AND fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcp.concurrent_queue_id
AND fcq.application_id = fcp.queue_application_id
AND flkup.lookup_code=fcp.process_status_code
AND meaning=’Active’
FROM fnd_concurrent_queues fcq, fnd_concurrent_processes fcp, fnd_lookups flkup
WHERE concurrent_queue_name in (‘WFMLRSVC’)
AND fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcp.concurrent_queue_id
AND fcq.application_id = fcp.queue_application_id
AND flkup.lookup_code=fcp.process_status_code
AND meaning=’Active’
run the diagnostics from Note 748421.1 Oracle Workflow ATG Support: R12 Java
Mailer Setup Diagnostic Test and upload its archive file.
How does
workflow Notification Mailer IMAP (Inbound Processing) Works:
This is the
inbound flow:
1. Approver
sends email response which is directed to the value defined in Replyto address.
a. This address has been setup by the customer’s mail administrator to route incoming mail to the IMAP Inbox folder.
2. The Workflow Inbound Agent Listener picks up the message. Only messages which are in ‘unread’ state are evaluated; the rest of the messages in the inbox are ignored.
a. This address has been setup by the customer’s mail administrator to route incoming mail to the IMAP Inbox folder.
2. The Workflow Inbound Agent Listener picks up the message. Only messages which are in ‘unread’ state are evaluated; the rest of the messages in the inbox are ignored.
3. The message
is scanned to see if it matches entries in the TAG file . Mail tags are defined
in the OAM mailer configuration pages and these list strings of text and
actions to take if those strings are encountered. An example of this are ‘Out
of Office’ replies. If the string of the message matches a mail tag and the
action is ‘Ignore’ then nothing else will happen.
4. The message
is then scanned for the presence of a Notification Id (NID). This NID is
matched against valid NID for the mailer node.
5. If valid NID
is not detected, (and there is no matching TAG file entry) then the message is
placed into the DISCARD folder.
6. If a valid
NID is detected the listener raises a subscription to the WF_NOTIFICATION_IN
queue and places the mail message in the Processed folder.
7. From this
point on the message is handled by the product workflow (like PO APPROVAL) . An
event created by that group will monitor the WF_NOTIFICATION_IN queue and will
trigger the rest of the approval workflow.
Here are
steps/events for Oracle Workflow Notification Outbound Processing(eMail
from Oracle Applications Workflow to Users)
1.When workflow
Engine determines that a notification message must be sent, it raises an event
in BES (Business Event System)
Event is raised with Notification ID (NID) as event key
Event is raised with Notification ID (NID) as event key
2. There is
seeded subscription to this Event
3. Event is
placed on WF_DEFERRED agent
4.Event is
dequeued from WF_DEFERRED and subscription is processed
5. Subscription
places event message to WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent.
Mailer dequeues message from WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT agent and
6.1convert XML representation of notification into MIME encoded message (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) and
6.2 Send message by SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to intended user (IfTest Address/Override Address is set then email is sent to Test Address
6.1convert XML representation of notification into MIME encoded message (Multi-purpose Internet Mail Extensions) and
6.2 Send message by SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) to intended user (IfTest Address/Override Address is set then email is sent to Test Address
E-Mail Notification is sent if all below conditions are true
a) Notification status is OPEN or CANCELED and
b) Notification mail_status is MAIL or INVALID and
c) Recipient Role has a valid e-mail address and Notification Preference is in the format MAIL%
d) Workflow Deferred Agent Listener is running
e) Workflow Notification Mailer is running
a) Notification status is OPEN or CANCELED and
b) Notification mail_status is MAIL or INVALID and
c) Recipient Role has a valid e-mail address and Notification Preference is in the format MAIL%
d) Workflow Deferred Agent Listener is running
e) Workflow Notification Mailer is running
To check a) & b) run
below query
SELECT status, mail_status FROM wf_notifications WHERE notification_id = ‘&NID’;
SELECT status, mail_status FROM wf_notifications WHERE notification_id = ‘&NID’;
mail_status >>
SENT means mail has gone out of mailer to user
To check c) run
below query
SELECT email_address, nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(name, ‘MAILTYPE’),notification_preference)
FROM wf_roles
WHERE name = upper(‘&recipient_role’);
SELECT email_address, nvl(WF_PREF.get_pref(name, ‘MAILTYPE’),notification_preference)
FROM wf_roles
WHERE name = upper(‘&recipient_role’);
To check d)
& e) Use OAM (Oracle Application Manager)
How to purge e-mail notifications from the Workflow queue
Some times Due
to large number of e-mail notifications to accumulated in the queue Workflow
mailer will not start,To fix this issue we need purge the notifications from
the Workflow queue.
1) You need to
update the notifications you do not want sent, in the WF_NOTIFICATIONS table.
2) Check the
WF_NOTIFICATIONS table as below. Records where status = ‘OPEN’ and mail_status
= ‘MAIL’ are notifications that will have an e-mail notification sent.
SQL> select
notification_id,status,mail_status,begin_date from WF_NOTIFICATIONS where
status = ‘OPEN’ and mail_status = ‘MAIL’;
3) This should
show you which notifications are waiting to be e-mailed.
4) To update a
notification so that it will not get e-mailed. Set the MAIL_STATUS = ‘SENT’.
The mailer will think the e-mail has already been sent and it will not send it
SQL> update
WF_NOTIFICATIONS set mail_status = ‘SENT’ where mail_status = ‘MAIL’;
-> This will
update all notifications waiting to be sent by the mailer.
5) Then run the
script wfntfqup.sql to purge the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue and rebuild it with
data currently in the WF_NOTIFICATIONS table. This is what purges all
notifications waiting in the queue to be sent.Only the ones where mail_status =
‘MAIL’ and status = ‘OPEN’ will be placed in the WF_NOTIFICATION_OUT queue and
sent by the mailer.
apps/apps_pwd @$FND_TOP/patch/115/sql/wfntfqup APPS APPS_PWD APPLSYS
6) Now you can
start your WF Containers and then Mailer
Example Of Configuring Workflow
Java Notification Mailer With Oracle Applications [ID 249957.1]
Modified 25-FEB-2012 Type HOWTO Status PUBLISHED
Applies to:
Oracle Workflow
Cartridge – Version: 11.5.9 and later [Release: 11.5 and
later ]
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for relevance on 21FEB2012
Information in this document applies to any platform.
Checked for relevance on 21FEB2012
The purpose of
this note is to highlight the steps required to succesfully configure the
Oracle Workflow Java Notification Mailer.
The content of
this note is directed at anyone who is configuring the Oracle Workflow Java
Notification Mailer. Each configuration step is validated during the
configuration process to minimize the risk of errors later on.
This note should be used in conjunction with Note 231286.1 Configuring the Workflow Java-based Notification Mailer with Oracle Applications 11i.
This note should be used in conjunction with Note 231286.1 Configuring the Workflow Java-based Notification Mailer with Oracle Applications 11i.
The Oracle
Workflow Java Notification Mailer is installed with patchset 11i.OWF.G – Patch
2728236. This patchset is included by default with Oracle Applications 11.5.9.
- If one is
applying patchset 11i.OWF.G, a mandatory step is to implement the new
workflow java mailer.
- If one is
configuring IMAP Server for Inbound Processing with Workflow Java Mailer,
then one must have a unique IMAP4 compliant email account for the mailer.
- If one
does not have an IMAP server and requires inbound notification transaction
processing, then one cannot apply OWF.G as this functionality will no
longer work as it has been obsoleted.
- If one
does not require inbound notification processing, one can now configure
the java mailer without an IMAP account see Note 268274.1 How To Configure The Workflow Java Mailer
Without An IMAP Account (Assumes No Inbound Processing).
- The new
java based workflow mailer uses SMTP (port25) for outbound transactions,
so client software is not required. The Workflow mailer makes a TCP/IP
connection to the SMTP server on port 25 and issues the SMTP commands
required to send the email.
Example Of
Configuring the Workflow Java Notification Mailer
1. Setup an
IMAP email user (e.g wfmailer) with a mailbox.
2. Configure an
IMAP compliant email application to be able to connect to the account
Note: The IMAP
email account MUST be able to receive emails before continuing to step 3
If you need help configuring IMAP4, please visit the URL
If you need help configuring IMAP4, please visit the URL
3. Connect an
email client to the IMAP4 account and synchronize the IMAP folders.
4. Create the
PROCESSED AND DISCARD folders from the EMAIL application (e.g. MS Outlook
Note: this step
can be also be performed from the IMAP4 server:
a) ‘Edit’ the mailbox for the wfmailer user
b) ‘Add’ the PROCESSED AND DISCARD folders.
a) ‘Edit’ the mailbox for the wfmailer user
b) ‘Add’ the PROCESSED AND DISCARD folders.
5. From the
Concurrent processing tier, issue the command ‘ping SERVERNAME’
Note 1: if
there is no response from this command then there could be a network config
In this case, add the following entry to your hosts file:
(Replace the ipaddress, servername and domain with their actual values)
In this case, add the following entry to your hosts file:
(Replace the ipaddress, servername and domain with their actual values)
Note 2: please
ensure you are able to ping the server successfully before proceeding to the
next step.
6. Validate the
SMTP server from the Concurrent processing tier, by using the command ‘telnet
SERVERNAME 25’ should return something similar to:
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.11.6+Sun/8.11.6; Thu, 2 Oct 2003 02:45:57 -0600 (MDT)
220 ESMTP Sendmail 8.11.6+Sun/8.11.6; Thu, 2 Oct 2003 02:45:57 -0600 (MDT)
Note 1: verify
that the response includes a reference to ‘SMTP’
2: please ensure that the email account is able to send emails
successfully via SMTP before
continuing to step 7.
continuing to step 7.
7. Add the
email address to Oracle Applications:
a) Log in to
Oracle Applications as System Administrator and navigate to
b) Query a user
and add a valid email address.
8. Perform the
required Workflow Mailer setup steps in OAM. Please log in to OAM to edit
WF Mailer configuration details
a) Please
follow these example details for your configuration values in page 3.
Inbound EMail
Account (from step 1)
* Protocol IMAP
* Username = wfmailer
* Password = ******
* Inbox Folder= INBOX
* Test Address=
* Protocol IMAP
* Username = wfmailer
* Password = ******
* Inbox Folder= INBOX
* Test Address=
Outbound EMail
Account (from step 6)
* Protocol SMTP
* Protocol SMTP
* Processed
Folder = PROCESS (from step 3)
* Discard Folder = DISCARD
* Discard Folder = DISCARD
b) Select
‘Next’ in the OAM edit screen.
At this point,
validation checking is performed for the above settings before progress
to page 4.
Any errors are highlighted in red.
Any errors are highlighted in red.
c) Select
‘Finish’ twice
9. Test the
a) Select the
Workflow Notification Mailer hyperlink.
b) Select ‘Test
Mailer’ button.
c) Enter the
username that was added at step 7.
10. If no email
is received then follow the troubleshooting steps below.
If no email is
received when testing the Mailer, please try the following steps:
1. Please check
the status of the Java Mailer:
a) Navigate to
the OAM Home Page =>Workflow Manager => Service Components.
b) Check the
status of the java mailer.
2. If the Java
Mailer is not working, check the java mailer log file for related errors.
Select the ‘Workflow Notification Mailer’ hyperlink => View Log
Select the ‘Workflow Notification Mailer’ hyperlink => View Log
3. If the Java
Mailer is not running, if any errors occur in the log file, please review the
following troubleshooting notes:
242941.1 How To Troubleshoot Workfow Java Notification Mailer In 11.5.9 and
260393.1 Java Mailer and Other Current Workflow 11.5.9/OWF.G Issues In Apps
4. If no error
is occurring, apply Patch
3203709 (just a c driver 49k.) This patch updates the
error messaging code for Workflow, so that more meaningful error messages return when problems arise.
error messaging code for Workflow, so that more meaningful error messages return when problems arise.
5. Try enabling
a) Login to OAM
b) Navigate Workflow Manager =>Service Components =>Workflow Mailer Service =>Edit
c) open the Edit service parameters screen
d) set parameter SVC_CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL=1 (1 is the highest 5 is the lowest)
e) select ‘OK’ to save the change
f) restart the mailer
g) reproduce the problem and review the logfile again
b) Navigate Workflow Manager =>Service Components =>Workflow Mailer Service =>Edit
c) open the Edit service parameters screen
d) set parameter SVC_CONTAINER_LOG_LEVEL=1 (1 is the highest 5 is the lowest)
e) select ‘OK’ to save the change
f) restart the mailer
g) reproduce the problem and review the logfile again
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