Tuesday, September 25, 2018

application name change site

Oracle EBS – Changing Main Form’s Heading – Site Name Profile Option









1 Votes



Many a time you want to change the Main window’s heading to show purpose of instance or any special info etc….

Set the profile option: to your needs and log in/out of Applications to pick up the changes.‘Site Name’




Steps to change interface color of Oracle E-Business suite instance are given below

1) Go to System Administrator responsibility

2) Navigate to System Administrator Profile System

3) Check Display level as Site and query for Java Look and Feel profile option

4) It will be set to either null or Generic or Oracle

5) If Java Look and Feel profile option is set to Generic then no color scheme will apply to the interface. So either keep it as Null or change it to Oracle

6) Now again from System Profile Option screen query for profile option Java Color Scheme

7) Change it to whatever color scheme you like as given in List of Values (For this example, let’s select it to blue)

8) Save the form and exit

9) Either logout and login again to the instance or change the responsibility to notice the color change

Few Profile Options that are good to know

FND: Indicator Colors

By default, this profile option is set to Yes. The color scheme rule of this profile option is as follows:

·         All mandatory fields are displayed in yellow

·         Color of queryable fields during Enter-Query mode is different

·         Fields which are disabled are shown in Gray

Options Available: Yes and No

Java Color Scheme

Java Color Scheme profile option can be set anything from below list of values

·         Blue

·         Khaki

·         Olive

·         Purple

·         Red

·         Swan

·         Teal

·         Titanium

Important: Other than Swan if any other color scheme is set for Java Color Scheme profile option, system response time can be increased.

Java Look and Feel

This profile option consists of two values

·         Generic: If a value is set as Generic then Java Color Scheme profile option will not have any effect.

·         Oracle: Setting up this profile option to Oracle will generate effects of Java Color Scheme.

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regulatory after clone, you asked to close “disable/ end date/ deactivate” application “end” users

use the following script

declare cursor x is

select user_name from apps.fnd_user where LOWER(user_name) Not IN ('list some users you don't want to close');


for all_user in x loop



end loop;


update fnd_concurrent_requests

set phase_code = 'C', status_code = 'X'

where status_code in ('Q','I')

and requested_start_date > SYSDATE

and hold_flag = 'N';



SELECT a.request_id, d.sid, d.serial# ,d.osuser,d.process , c.SPID

FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests a,

apps.fnd_concurrent_processes b,

v$process c,

v$session d

WHERE a.controlling_manager = b.concurrent_process_id

AND c.pid = b.oracle_process_id

AND b.session_id=d.audsid

AND a.request_id = '8407158';



select * from fnd_user where USER_NAME like '%TJ';

select * from fnd_user where USER_NAME like '%TC%';



update fnd_user

set END_DATE='1-jan-2016'

where USER_NAME like '%TJ'


update fnd_user

set END_DATE='1-jan-2016'

where USER_NAME like '%TC'


update fnd_user

set END_DATE=''

where USER_NAME like '120241TJ';


select * from fnd_user where USER_NAME like '120241TJ';


update fnd_user set END_DATE='' where USER_NAME like '171092TJ';


update fnd_user

set END_DATE=''

where USER_NAME in ('171092TJ','130354TJ','120271TJ','120276TJ','110134TJ','120240TJ','120240TJ','150948TJ')







SQL> shutdown immediate

SQL> startup mount

SQ> alter database noarchivelog;

 Database altered.

 SQL> alter database open;

 Database altered.

SQL> archive log list;

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