Wednesday, September 26, 2018

data fix patch

Kindly run the below statement , after that run the ap_one_off_scripts_fix.sql







Invice ID:475053

Check ID:426166

Vendor ID:57774





2.Apply the script ap_insert_missing_cancel_aip_sel.sql and ap_insert_missing_cancel_aip_fix.sql uploaded in the Sr

3.Apply the script ap_cancel_pay_sel.sql and ap_cancel_pay_fix.sql uploade in the SR


For the GDF R12 Generic Data Fix (GDF) Patch for COMMON INVOICE ISSUES ( Doc ID 1489862.1 )


FND LOG Get the FND Debug log for the GDF script.


Run the select script


5.1. Navigate Responsibility: System Administrator > Profile > System > Query


User: Enter the username the script will be ran for (L_USER_NAME)

Profile: FND:%Debug%


Set the following Profile values at the user level


FND: Debug Log Enabled = Yes

FND: Debug Log Level = Statement

FND: Debug Log Module = %




5.2. Open NEW SQL*PLUS session and set the application context from SQL*PLUS:


Note: Make sure you open NEW SQL*PLUS session AFTER enabling FND Debug profiles in the application.



exec fnd_global.apps_initialize(<user_id>,<resp_id>,200);


Use the following SQL to get the user_id and resp_id:


SELECT user_id

FROM fnd_user

WHERE user_name= upper('&USER_NAME');



SELECT responsibility_id,application_id

FROM fnd_responsibility_tl

WHERE responsibility_name = '&Resp_Name'

AND Language = USERENV ('LANG');

Setup Payables


5.3. Get the current log sequence in the FND table.


select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages ; -- start


5.4. Make process flag =Y in the driver table and then run the fix script


5.5. Get the log sequence in the FND table after the script completes.


select max(log_sequence) from fnd_log_messages ; -- end


5.6. Get the FND Debug log data for the script.


select * from fnd_log_messages where log_sequence between <start> and <end>;


5.6. Spool this into an xls file.


6. Review the log file created by the script. Use the following script to determine

the location of the log file:


SELECT decode(instr(value,','),0,value, SUBSTR (value,1,instr(value,',') - 1))

FROM v$parameter

WHERE name = 'utl_file_dir';



select BIN_TO_NUM(1,1,0,1) from DUAL;

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[ERROR]: The value of s_patch_service_name is not set correctly in atleast one of the context files.

[ERROR]: The value of s_patch_service_name is not set correctly in atleast one of the context files. I got the issue below wh...