Tuesday, September 25, 2018

SQL to find scheduled requests:

SQL to find scheduled requests:

SELECT fl.meaning

, fu.user_name

, fu.description requestor

, fu.end_date

, NVL(fu.email_address, 'n/a') email_address

, fcr.request_id

, fcr.number_of_copies

, fcr.printer

, fcr.request_date

, fcr.requested_start_date

, fcp.description

, fcr.argument_text

, frt.responsibility_name

FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_requests fcr

, apps.fnd_user fu

, apps.fnd_lookups fl

, apps.fnd_concurrent_programs_vl fcp

, apps.fnd_responsibility_tl frt

WHERE fcr.requested_by = fu.user_id

AND fl.lookup_type = 'CP_STATUS_CODE'

AND fcr.status_code = fl.lookup_code

AND fcr.program_application_id = fcp.application_id

AND fcr.concurrent_program_id = fcp.concurrent_program_id

AND fcr.responsibility_id = frt.responsibility_id

AND fcr.phase_code = 'P'


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[ERROR]: The value of s_patch_service_name is not set correctly in atleast one of the context files.

[ERROR]: The value of s_patch_service_name is not set correctly in atleast one of the context files. I got the issue below wh...